Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Today early morning I was awoken from sleep (In the middle of a nice dream). The reason was a false rumors about poisoning of drinking water in Kandy and Matale Districts by LTTE terrorists. I called both Peradeniya & Kandy police stations and got confirmed , that it was a false alarm. Then I had some water & slept. But I could not see the remaining part of the dream :-(


The 4th Tamil-Ealam war started with a water trouble @ Mavilaru. LTTE terrorists block the water supply from Mavilaru & then 4th Tamil-Ealam war begin as a water war.

Water - By deepa mehta.
(In picture Sarala, The best child actor in the world-2007 )

In last april I watched the film "Water" with my sisters baby daughter navoda (6 yr old). She was very interested to watch "Water" after seeing trailers. I did not believe that she could awake till 22:00 , But she was with a yawning mouth. The film was stopped after 30 min for advertiesment. Navoda could not understand the film was not finished. She thought it was over & went to sleep. I felt quite upset, but did not tell her the film was not over, because she was so much sleepy.

[ 30-Sep-2008 ]

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Saluting the great Politician ...

It is with deep regret and sadness that the nation learns of the demise of President D. B. Wijetunga. The President has during tumultuous decades as a Parliamentarian as a Minister of the Cabinet, Prime Minister and as third Executive President of Sri Lanka provided a good example to others in public life and citizens of the country.

His Excellency D.B. Wijetunga

From 1993 - 1994
Mr D B Wijetunga, who was Prime Minister at the time of President Premadasa's assassination in 1993, was elected by Parliament as President.

[ 26-Sep-2008 ]

Monday, September 22, 2008

Chanaka is thinking ...
" Are humans multi-threaded or not ?"

Multi- Threading is a technique used in S/W to execute actions concurrently. If humans are multi-threaded we will be able to handle lot of thing simultaneously. Can we handle multiple events simultaneously without messing up them . The answer is "not at all ,but some times", at least for me. How about you ? .

I am thinking about Threads, because I am designing a assignment to give to students, where they will build multi-threaded web server and at the same time I am preparing notes for tomorrow lecture.

[21 - Sep - 2008]

Chanaka Celebrated two events

Celebrated the Global Software Freedom day 2008 and Local Efi 2008 on the same day.

1. Me with Dr. RMS (Richard Matthew Stallman). Dr . RMS is the GNU founder. In 1985, he set up the Free Software Foundation.

2. The CE group who contributed to make Efi2008 , an unforgettable event.
see my photo album no 07

[20 - Sep - 2008]

Friday, September 19, 2008

Reverse Engineering Hello world !

Hi All.
See this HelloWorld.java

and this is how I Reverse Engineered it.

How clever am I ??

Reverse Engineering (Real)= Obtaining the code back from compiled binary

tac is a Linux tool which concatenate and print files in reverse and it is not a Reverse Engineering tool.

Real Reverse Engineers, Don't Laugh at Me.

I am a Forward Engineer !!!

[18 - Sep - 2008]

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Chanaka is thinking .....

" How many Higgs Boson do I have if my weight is 62 Kg "

Higgs Boson - is a hypothetical massive scalar elementary particle predicted to exist by the Standard Model of particle physics. It is the only Standard Model particle not yet observed. It believed that higgs boson is the particle which cause mass ( Weight ) for any thing. Its called as GOD-partical due to it s crucial importancy.

One of the target of Large Hadron collier is to practically experiment the existence of higgs boson.

Will they find it or will it lead to world end by 2102 after creating a black hole & subsequent exponential growth of the black hole. There are 7 discrete argument , which tell that some thing thing horrible going to happen in 2012.
Please read this ....

By the way I don't believe it even though such marvelous co-incidents @ 2012. Show me proof or other wise i will sleep 0n 21st Dec 2012 as usual.

Slip-Slop-Slap- BANG!

Ho Ho .. Got Afraid ?
Forget it, 4 More Years .

*** If you don't have any thing to think other than 2012 do this.
How much is my height in millimeter if my BMI = 21.4 .

Hint: You may use this to do a bruteforce

If you got answer pls put me a comment.

[17 - Sep - 2008]

# rm -rf /bin/laden + All the terrorists

rm is a Linux command & /bin is a default location for applications

[16 - Sep - 2008]

Chanaka is thinking...

"If the Theme of efi2008 is energy efficiency why we waste our energy for it "

efi2008 [ Engineering for Industry 2008 (efi2008) ] is the industrial day organized by faculty of Engineering , University of Peradeniya.This time it is with the theme of “Towards an energy efficient Sri Lanka”, & will be held during 19th and 20th of September 2008 at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya.

Even though it considered as an annual event this time it came after several years. Past few years students missed this golden opportunity due to their own faults . Politics messed up it.

Dear politician Uncles & Aunts (in their word Brothers & Sisters ), Please don't mess up it again .

All are welcome for efi2008 !!! We spent lot of energy for it.
[16 - Sep - 2008]

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Comparison of Politics of Sri Lanka & Ealam


Opposition Leader
විපක්ෂ නායක

Leader of the broken group of opposition
විපක්ෂයේ කැරළිකාර කණ්ඬායමේ නායක

Why we fight each other if both side is so similar. Lets join together & will form a hybrid politic system. Lets Name it as Democratic Terrorist Republic of Sri Lanka ( ශ්‍රී ලංකා ප්‍රජාතාන්ත්‍රික ත්‍රස්තවාදී ජනරජය).

Notes :

1 . This is just a crazy thought . I never support separatists & terrorists.
2 . Ealam ( ඊළාම් ) is yet another name for Sri Lanka (ශ්‍රී ලංකා) in Tamil Language.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

පරිගණක ඉංජිනේරුවෝ Ice cream කති

A photo of CEs University tour.

ගංගොඞ වටා මෝරන වන ලැහැබ............මැන
අහුමුලු නෑර සිය අණසක...................පතුරුවන
බලවත් අය්යනායක දෙන ගොදුරු.............ගෙන
මේ අය රකිනු මැන යන එන සියලු.............තැන

( poem by: Wimalaratna Kumaragama )

I remembered GOD Aiyanayaka after watching "Kala Sanniya" . A nice movie produced by E06 group.

[14 - Sep - 2008]

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Chanaka is saying "There are 10 kinds of peoples in the world. Those who can understand binary & those who cant."

[13 - Se
pt - 2008]

Chanaka is thinking , What will happen when the atomic beams in LHC collide on 21st of October. Will it be the world end ?

Is 21st October == 21st December 2012 (read this ... )

[12 - Sept - 2008]

Chanaka is thinking what will hapen to the world when LHC executed on 21st october

[11 - Sep -2008]

Chanaka is playing guico piano & birds again

I used to play these openings long while ago.
Again feeling to play them & experiment.

[9 - Sep - 2008]

Chanaka has played a piano (Guico) :-)

Guico Piano is a chess opening & not a Musical instrument.

[4 - Sep - 2008 ]

Chanaka is planning to play Guico Piano !!!

[3 - Sep - 2008]

Chanaka has realized he is a X cat& has realized he is uglier than a cat.

Not only cat, But also every mammal has 20 fingers
And not to mention every mammal have tail too even humans one has diminished. These characteristics are implicit to every mammal.

So from the point of view of cats, humans are X cats.
Can you imagine how ugly a cat without tail & small ears etc ..

X cat == Cats equivalent of X men

[1- Sep -2008]

Chanaka is a X cat according to princess Yass, who is also a X cat :-).

[31 - Aug -2008]

Chanaka has realized that he is not a cat,
Because he has 20 fingers & cats only have 18.

Cute Fat Angry Cat

Warning: Don't ever give paracetamol [panadol] to cats. It is poisonous for innocent cats.

[27 - Aug -2008]

Chanaka has loss the PC election.

[24 -Aug - 2008]

Chanaka is counting fingers again to do double check the value.

[23 -Aug - 2008]

Chanaka is Counting Fingers

[20 -Aug - 2008]